Preservation of indigenous is to preserve the identity
Neelkantha -13 BP Gau lies to the west north of Dhading besi, the head quarter of Dhading district. Jumre hill is at the top elevation of the VDC from where we could view the scenic beauty of nature and himalays (Mountains). Jumre hill has enriched with the different ethnic communities and indigenous people; Magars, Gurungs, Kshetries, Bramins, Kumals, Dalits etc.
As a result the concept of development of model village BP Gau emerged in the minds of social worker Mr. Ramesh Dhamala as the concept of BP Koirala that he wanted to develop nation from village. Mr Dhamala discussed with local people and interested donors and came to the conclusion to initiate this project. Construction of Community Development Center enables people self dependent through different kinds of trainings and programs. Training and programs encourage people to become entrepreneurs to do some innovative works in their locality. They search for potential sector to develop. Definitely, they will involve in any profession especially in eco tourism and agro tourism as the potential sector.
Community Development Center (CDC) is the EPF Nepal’s leading eco tourism development model of community development projects which is under-construction in Neelkantha-13, Dhading, supported by the Taiwan Aid.